Policy Owner/Initiator |
- Remain informed on applicable executive orders, system wide policies, and other authorities that pertain to policy owner's area and policies
- Provide guidance and assistance with interpreting policies as needed
- Author policy updates, revisions, and new policies as needed
- Ensure all applicable stakeholders have reviewed drafts or proposed changes to policies
- Work with Policy Administrator to move policies through the policy action process
Policy Administrator |
- Administer policy action process (Academic Senate policies are not within purview)
- Maintain the CAP Policies Library
- Upload approved policy updates, revisions, and new policies to website, and remove approved rescinded policies
CAP Committee |
- Approve or deny policy revisions, rescissions, and new policies
- Review, provide equity opportunity feedback, and suggest written revisions to existing and new CAP
- Propose potential solutions for addressing equity concerns identified in reviewed policies