CAP Common Terms and Definitions

The following terms are used throughout CAP and unless they are defined differently in the CAP section they are used in, the following definitions should apply.

Alumni Association

Means a University recognized association under California Code of Regulations, Title 5. Education, Division 5. Chapter 1. Subchapter 5. Article 15. Section 42397 et seq.


The Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) has been established and organized in accordance with the Education Code (Division 8, Part 55, Chapter 3, §89300 et seq.) and shall be the sole, duly recognized student body organization at Cal Poly. Associated Students, Inc. is a non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation and is governed by a board of directors, in accordance with articles of incorporation and bylaws.

Auxiliary Organization

Are organized and duly recognized by the University as an auxiliary organization in accordance with the California Education Code (Division 8, Part 55, Chapter 7, §89900 et seq.). An Auxiliary Organization is a non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation and is governed by a board of directors, in accordance with articles of incorporation and bylaws.

California Code of Regulations

Is the appropriate reference title when referencing this Code in policy statements (examples: California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section xxx, OR Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section xxx).

California Education Code

Is the appropriate reference title when referencing this Code in policy statements (example: California Education Code Section xxx).

Cal Poly

Stands for the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, also referred to throughout CAP as the University.


Stands for Campus Administrative Policies.


Refers to the six (6) colleges of the University under Academic Affairs: College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES), College of Architecture & Environmental Design (CAED), Orfalea College of Business (OCOB), College of Engineering (CENG), College of Liberal Arts (CLA), and Bailey College of Science and Mathematics (COSAM).


Refers to the nine (9) organizational units of the University: Academic Affairs, Strategic Enrollment Management, University Communications and Marketing, University Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Administration and Finance, Research, Student Affairs, University Development and Alumni Engagement, and University Personnel.

Learn by Doing

Cal Poly motto for hands-on and project-based learning. This phrase, Learn by Doing, when referencing Cal Poly’s motto is to be capitalized as shown in this illustration.


Written principles that govern university processes, ensuring compliance, supporting the mission, strengthening controls, and reducing risks. Broad in scope and infrequently changed, they define what must be done, why, and under what authority.


Detailed instructions for completing specific tasks. They focus on how, when, who, and sometimes what is needed, breaking down processes into clear, actionable steps. Unlike policies, procedures are narrower in scope and adapt to changes and improvements.


Is defined as the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, also known as “Cal Poly” throughout CAP. The word “University” when referring to Cal Poly is to be capitalized.