CHAPTER 600 Student Affairs

690 Testing Services

690.1 Testing Services' Mission

The mission of Testing Services is to provide fair, courteous, professional testing services in a controlled, proctored environment, promoting high-quality operations and ethical practices as outlined in the Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education and the National College Testing Association’s Professional Standards and Guidelines for Post-Secondary Test Centers.

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690.2 Testing Services

Testing Services administers a variety of paper-based and computer-based standardized testing programs for admission, placement, and certification. Information and test registration is distributed through Testing Services’ Web site and participation in campus events such as Graduate and Professional School Day, Week of Welcome, and Open House.

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690.2.1 Computer-based Testing

Testing Services is committed to delivering tests through a secure network, managed by Educational Testing Service, by providing updated computer hardware and maintaining certification for its administrators.

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690.2.2 Paper-based Testing

Testing Services provides registration, scheduling, proctoring, and test administration support for standardized testing programs such as the CSU English Placement and Entry Level Math Tests (EPT/ELM), the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET), the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), and others.

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690.2.3 Proctoring Services

Testing Services provides proctoring services for students participating in distance learning programs or correspondence degree programs, and professionals needing to be tested in order to receive certification in their field. Testing Services maintains membership in the Consortium of College Testing Centers, a national referral source for distance learning.

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690.2.4 Accommodated Testing

All testing services described above can be adapted to accommodate the needs of appropriately verified persons with disabilities. Arrangements to receive such services must be made in a timely manner.

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References for CAP 690

  1. Date approved by the President: June 2, 2004
  2. Responsible Department/Office(s): Testing Services
  3. Date when the policy is to be reviewed and by whom (where stipulated): October 2003, Vice President for Student Affairs
  4. Related University Policies, Procedures, Manuals and/or Documents: Not applicable

691 Disability Resource Center (DRC) Accommodated Testing Services

The Disability Resource Center administers tests to students with disabilities when regular classroom administration is not feasible due to verified disability- related functional limitations.

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Test accommodations will be provided based upon the following policies:


Students authorized for accommodated testing must sign a DRC Testing Agreement quarterly in their DRC Portal.


Students taking tests proctored by the DRC are required to adhere to campus policies addressing the issues of cheating and plagiarism.


Students who violate the terms of their Testing Agreement will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action per relevant University and CSU policies.


Accommodated testing can be provided by an instructor so long as it is done within the terms of the DRC student’s Accommodation Agreement.

References for CAP 691

  1. Date approved by the President: June 2, 2004
  2. Effective Date: To be determined.
  3. Responsible Department/Office(s): Disability Resource Center
  4. Date of review and by whom: January 2004, Vice President for Student Affairs
  5. Revision History: Not applicable.
  6. Related University Policies, Procedures, Manuals and/or Documents: N/A
  7. Laws, Regulations and/or Codes of practice referred to herein or related to this policy
    1. A CSU Guide to Federal Disability Law In Student Programs and Activities, Office of the General Counsel (revised 1998) – CSU Guidelines for Compliance with Relevant Federal Laws Protecting the Rights of Individuals with Disabilities
    2. AB – 3184 ( CSU implementation through Addendum to AAES 89-71) - Reader Services for Students with Disabilities
    3. AB – 1021 (Amending Section 67300 and adding Sections 67302 and 67303) -Reader Services for Students with Disabilities
    4. AB-462 (Donahoe Higher Education Act (Div. 5, Chapter 14.2, Section 67310) - Equal Access to Post-Secondary Education for Persons with Disabilities
    5. California State Assembly bill AB-746 (Chapter 829, Statutes of 1987) - Provision of Services to Students with Disabilities Enrolled in the California Community Colleges, the California State University and the University of California
    6. California State Assembly bill AB-1021 (Education Code Section 89755.5) - Funding of Disabled Student Services
    7. California State Assembly bill AB-2625
    8. CSU Academic Senate Resolution AS-187-85 - Resolution on Students with Disabilities
    9. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – Prevents Discrimination on the Basis of Disabilities in any Program Receiving Federal Funding