Campus Administrative Policy (CAP) Committee

The CAP Committee (CAP) is an advisory body that reviews our university’s administrative policies with an equity lens while also ensuring that all members of our campus community are represented in decision-making regarding the review and creation of policies on campus.


The CAP Committee's responsibilities include:

  • Development and revision of CAP Table of Contents.
  • Establishment and revision of procedures for development of CAP sections by divisions and for consultation within each division and other campus constituencies.
  • Establishment and revision of editorial guidelines, to include procedures for searching and cross-referencing CAP sections and divisional support materials.
  • Primary members will meet regularly throughout the project duration and the on-call Ad Hoc members will be called upon as appropriate.

On an on-going basis:

  • Divisions develop plans and time tables for development or revisions of CAP sections.
  • Division management submits draft CAP sections to the CAP Committee on an as completed basis, in accordance with the CAP Table of Contents and divisional plans.
  • CAP Committee reviews submitted draft CAP sections on an as required basis; refers questions/comments about draft sections back to divisions for response.
  • CAP committee refers accepted CAP sections directly to President’s Office for final approval.
  • Committee chair and support staff coordinate web publication of presidentially approved CAP sections.


Committee appointments are confirmed by Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance and indefinite unless specifically noted.

  1. Committee Chair as appointed by the Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance
  2. President’s Office Representative
  3. Provost and Executive Vice President, or designee
  4. Vice President for Student Affairs or designee
  5. Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance or designee
  6. Vice President Information Technology Services & Chief Information Officer, or designee
  7. Associate Vice President, Human Resources or designee
  8. Chief Operating Officer, University Development or designee
  9. One (1) faculty members, nominated by the Academic Senate Executive Committee
  10. One (1) staff members non-MPP nominated by the divisional Vice Presidents
  11. One (1) student, nominated by the Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President
  12. Executive Director, Associated Students, Inc. or designee
  13. Executive Director, Cal Poly Corporation or designee

The term of office shall be:

  • Two years for faculty and student representatives with a maximum of four consecutive years.


It is expected that the Committee will meet at least once per quarter during the academic year.

CAP Committee Policy Process

  • Policy Administrator Determines Policies/Drafts for CAP Committee Review
  • Policy Administrator sends Policies/Drafts for Review to CAP Committee
  • CAP Committee members review Policy/Draft and provide initial comments/ feedback during Quarterly Meeting Session
  • Policy Administrator works with Policy Owner/Initiator on CAP Committee feedback and suggestions
  • Policy Owner re-drafts policy or continues through policy approval process
  • CAP Committee approved policies are posted by the Policy Administrator for 30 day public review on the CAP Updates website
  • After the 30 day review the final policy draft is routed to the President’s Office for approval by Policy Administrator.